Manual Setup

Customer Statuses

Navigate: Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses

For the Lead Board to work "as is",  the following Customer statuses must be set up in your environment

To see what statuses you have, - navigate to : Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses

If you can add the statuses missing and change existing lead statuses, so it matches the above internal ids, you can run this pre-built Lead Board out of the box. Otherwise you will have to do some changes in the Board Column settings so the status for each column matches the statuses you use in your environment.

For the PIPELINE Board to work "as is",  the following Customer statuses must be setup/updated in your environment

To see what statuses you have - Navigate: Setup > Sales > Customer Statuses

If you can update your statuses so it matches the above internal ids, then you can run this pre-built Pipeline Board out of the box. Otherwise you will have to do some changes in the Board Column settings and corresponding drop action so the status for each column matches the statuses you use in your environment.

Read more about Board Configuration >>

If you have  enabled and disabled all features  in chapter pre requistes
And Changes Customer status

Now it is time to install pre built boards

Instruction - Install Pre Built Boards >>

Last Sales Activities

Navigate: Setup > Company > General Preferences